Leaders and Lighthouses


I have always had an attraction to Lighthouses.  Something about those beautiful, tall architectural structures standing strong against anything that Mother Nature had to throw their way, made them even more appealing to me. 

I admire the strength, the beacon of light it provides in times of need and the way a lighthouse stands so tall above everything else so it can be seen from far away.

Lighthouses are much like a good leader - which may be one of the reasons I am attracted to them.  Leaders need to be strong, a beacon of light to their people (team members, employees, colleagues, etc.).

I like the way reference.com puts it:  "A lighthouse can symbolize various things such as overcoming challenges and adversity or guidance.  It is most used to symbolize a way forward and help in navigating through the world."



There is much history and symbolism in the lighthouse, and as much as I would love to chat about the history (BIG history buff) of lighthouses, the symbolism is what intrigues me.  There is such a large correlation between the symbolism of a lighthouse and leadership qualities and traits.

In a post that I recently read on the Tony Robbins website, titled 10 Basic Leadership Qualities, Tony states: "Leadership isn’t something people are born with – it’s a skill that can be cultivated over time. When you can develop strong leadership traits, you’re positioned to inspire your entire team."

From <https://www.tonyrobbins.com/career-business/6-basic-leadership-qualities/>

Not only is this so very true for a leader, but also true for our lighthouse, being built over time, making sure that it is structurally sound so it is able to withstand the elements and time, and can do what it was built to do - guide and lead. 

Lighthouses symbolize:

  • Strength

  • Guidance

  • A way forward

  • Courage

  • Focus

  • Decisiveness

  • Knowledge & Understanding

  • Help in navigating rough waters

These are ALL traits and qualities that EVERY good leader should build on and cultivate.  As a leader, or someone who is aspiring to move into leadership, there are so many ways to do this.  Correlating to something (or someone) that you like or admire, that has similar traits or qualities to what you want to possess - such as a "Lighthouse to a Leader" is a great way to do this and make it enjoyable AND memorable.

Another “big” correlation between a lighthouse and a leader is their FOUNDATION. I cannot emphasize enough the need for a solid foundation for a good leader.  Obviously, a lighthouse would not last long without a strong, solid foundation.  According to Wikipedia, lighthouse foundations were usually anchored deep into the ground or bedrock by iron beams.  This allowed the lighthouse to be exposed to the open sea.

As with the lighthouse, having a solid foundation will allow you, as a leader, to be able to withstand the challenges, the roles, the projects, and the day to day operations that come your way.  You will have those “iron beams” or support mechanisms to keep you grounded.


Lighthouses needed to be built to “Stand the Test of Time”.  In fact, the “newest” major lighthouse in the United States was built in 1962, which is very new compared to most lighthouses.  Unfortunately, though, because lighthouses are no longer needed (mostly) for navigation purposes, they have fallen on disrepair and have become old and run down. In the U.S., the National Historic Lighthouse Preservation Act of 2000 allowed the transfer of the structures to local governments or private non-profits.  The USCG maintain the lamps and lenses still today. (Wikipedia).  But make no mistake, they were built to last and some are still standing after hundreds of years.

A strong leader also needs to “Stand the Test of Time”, but unlike the lighthouse, he/she cannot afford to fall into disrepair or allow their leadership to become run down.  Continuing to build on your foundation, knowledge and skill set is VITAL for your continued success.

Making sure that you stay relevant, current, and pliable will ensure that you are moving in a forward and in an upward direction.  Many leaders make the mistake once he/she gets into a leadership position of getting comfortable.  As I mentioned in one of my first posts, never get comfortable. 

As we see with the lighthouse – getting too comfortable can lead to our demise as a strong leader.   This is one way we DO NOT want to be like a lighthouse!


Four Part Series: Communication