
Welcome to my website and to my very first blog! I am so excited to be doing this as it is something that I have wanted to do for a very long time! So I think my first post will really just be more of a rambling probably so please bear with me! I mean, after all - the first three letters in my website are FUN - so there’s that! And I have found over the years that whether I am leading a team, am part of a team or I was at home with my team of boys (3 of them!) - things were always better when we injected a little fun, a little humor a little levity to even the most serious situations.

My website contents, whether its the blog posts, my weekly podcasts, picture gallery, etc will have something for everyone. I am hoping to capture the attention of those who may be just starting out in a business or office environment, those who are stepping into a management and/or leadership role or those looking to sharpen their skills. There will also be tips, tricks, anecdotes for those who are working and going to school and may (or may not) be raising kids at the same time. I worked 50-60 hours a week, went school and raised 3 boys! Yes…I was superwoman!!

Some of the content will include how to posts on - communication, diversity, customer service, operations, reception, soft skills, and some life stories and interviews. Weekly podcasts will hone in on specific content on such subjects as being a new leader or how to move into a leadership role, interviews with people in success roles, stories of diversity and overcoming obstacles in life to create the job you want. I will also be posting training videos and links for available training courses on Udemy.com.

I look forward to having you all with me - reading, commenting, listening, learning, growing, becoming friends, allies and partners in business and in life!

Till next time….


Opportunities to Learn